
Stunning Bathroom Stained Glass Ideas for San Antonio Homes

San Antonio's rich history and vibrant culture provide a wealth of inspiration for homeowners seeking to enhance their living spaces with unique decorative touches. Bathroom stained glass offers a blend of privacy and artistry that can transform any ordinary bathroom into a personal sanctuary. From the stunning missions to the...

stained glass san antonio church project tabernacle

Stained Glass San Antonio’s Project for the Battle Creek Tabernacle

In the heart of Battle Creek, Michigan, the Battle Creek Tabernacle stands as a testament to an enduring legacy of faith. With roots tracing back to the mid-19th century, this cherished church recently embarked on a transformative journey. The congregation joined hands with Stained Glass San Antonio to craft exquisite...


Stained Glass Care in San Antonio

Keeping your stained glass looking beautiful for years requires basic cleaning and preventative care. By following specialized maintenance practices recommended for San Antonio climate conditions, you can preserve your glasswork investment. Regular San Antonio Stained Glass Cleaning Regular cleaning is advised every 2-3 months to remove accumulated dust, dirt, and debris. Using...

modern stained glass san antonio

Custom Modern Stained Glass for Your San Antonio Home

Beautiful stained glass is making a comeback in contemporary home design. The art form has evolved from its traditional incarnations into modern styles that match any aesthetic. In this blog, we’ll explore the latest trends in modern stained glass and how San Antonio homeowners can incorporate it into their interiors....


Five Essential Signs Your Church’s Stained Glass Needs Restoration

Stained glass windows represent a profound intersection of faith and artistry, a treasure within our shared religious traditions. At Stained Glass San Antonio, we don't just see ourselves as restoration specialists. We're partners in the mission to uphold the artistic and spiritual essence of your church's windows. The decision to...


How San Antonio Historic Businesses Can Benefit From Stained Glass Restoration

Stained glass is a classic feature in many historic buildings across San Antonio. Not only does it provide an exceptional aesthetic appeal, but it also tells a story, keeping the rich history of the property alive. As time passes, however, this precious feature may lose its original charm due to...

stained glass restoration san antonio pearl harbor

Featured Project: Stained Glass Restoration for the Pearl Harbor Window

The Pearl Harbor Memorial Window belongs to the Moanalua Community Church in Honolulu, Hawaii and is a stunning tribute to those who have devoted their lives to service. When the window began to suffer deterioration, our team was asked to perform a stained glass restoration. Our San Antonio experts worked...


Stunning Stained Glass Options for San Antonio Homes

Many people think that stained glass is only for churches, historic properties, and businesses. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. The beautiful, versatile medium can be utilized wonderfully in homes as well. Homeowners interested in enhancing both function and beauty in their homes can take advantage of stained...


Five Major Benefits of Stained Glass Restoration

Stained glass restoration is a good idea because it helps to preserve an important part of history. Stained glass windows are often centuries old, and many of them contain artwork and designs that are irreplaceable. Restoring the glass helps to ensure that these works of art remain intact for future...